Other Cell Assay Examples

Other Cell Assay Examples

PROTAC – Detect Target Protein Degradation by Western Blot, ELISA, and HTRF Chemical Degrader   Western Blot   ELISA   HTRF  
Other Cell Assay Examples

Cancer Cell Line Panel Screen

800+ Cancer Cell Line Collection for Anti-proliferation Panel Screening >80% of the cell lines are in CCLE panel with genetic annotationsRepresentative of genomic diversity, tissue, and ethnic originsHigh-quality cell panel guaranteed by STR verification and...
Other Cell Assay Examples

Cell Signaling Assays

Protein Phosphorylation Western blot Cell-based ELISA AlphaScreen SureFire High content analysis NanoBRET FACS Nuclear Translocation Reporter Gene Assay p-Akt Detected by AlphaScreen SureFire AlphaScreen SureFire Technology pAKT473 in Suspension Cells by AlphaScreen...
Other Cell Assay Examples

Cell Functional Assays

Cell Proliferation/Viability CellTiter-Glo cell viability assay CyQuant assay MTT/MTS assays Direct cell counting by HCA Clonogenic assay 14-day long-term proliferation assay   3D Growth Soft agar colony formation assay Matrigel 3D assay Ultra-low attachment...
Other Cell Assay Examples

CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Target Gene Knockout

Validation of Cas9 Expression by Western Blot Validation of Cas9 Expression by FACS Detect Target B Expression by Western Blot in Single KO Clones (Transient Transfection) CRISPR Target Gene Knockout – Phenotypic Study Knockout of PCNA, an essential gene for cell...
Other Cell Assay Examples

siRNA Mediated Target Gene Knockdown

Knock down target gene by siRNA pool or individual oligos Taqman or Western blot analysis to confirm the knockdown efficiency at mRNA level or protein level, respectively The effect of tumor cell growth inhibition is monitored by CellTiter Glo cell viability assay...