ChemPartner has been a world leader in synthetic chemistry contract research for nearly 20 years. Our synthetic chemists come from a wide range of backgrounds and experience and have designed and synthesized molecules for hundreds of research projects. Additionally, our management team is a combination of locally and internationally trained scientists, which leads to our diverse company culture.
- An example of the complexity our experienced chemistry team excels at every day.
Our team can generate molecules, determine purity and physico-chemical properties, and deliver compounds globally to our clients. We can generate compounds (including reference compounds) on a milligram to multi-kilogram scale to high levels of purity and enantioselectivity.
Our chemists can create building blocks, scaffolds, intermediates, and final target molecules for biological evaluation. If larger scale amounts of candidate molecules are required, our experienced team of chemists can activate our internal discovery scale-up team (DCST) to rapidly develop a chemical process to generate compounds on a multi-gram to multi-kilogram scale.
At ChemPartner, we offer a range of cost-effective service models for synthetic chemistry, including:
Full Time Equivalent Model (FTE)
- Ideal for projects in which a significant degree of troubleshooting will be required
- Dedicated full-time employees
- Dedicated teams
- Flexibility to increase or decrease team size
- Flexibility to reprioritize targets/project direction
- Synthetic chemistry support, medicinal chemistry, and blended teams with dedicated project leadership support from San Francisco
Fee For Service Model (FFS)
- Ideal for projects with known or well-understood chemistry
- Fixed price quoted for the amount of specific synthesis of a molecule, series of molecules, or small library
- Fixed price quoted for a specific service (e.g. chiral separation, fragment-based screening)
- Literature precedent is very important for an accurate quotation
- Non-GMP kilo scale-up available
These models can be used separately or combined as best suits individual project needs.