We offer PK analysis and PKPD modeling for monoclonal antibodies with either affinity-based ligand binding assays or LCMS/MS-based quantification.
目的: 评价mAb在食蟹猴中的静脉灌注后的药代动力学
Study Design:

Dose: 4, 6, or 7 mg/kg
Sampling: Serum collection for 9 time points till 25 post dosing
Results: Good differentiation of PK curve at 4, 6, 7 mg/kg dose level

NHP 中的 PKPD – 淋巴瘤中的 B 细胞耗竭
- 动物以10mg/kg IV推注给药(N=2)。
- 收集血样直至给药后第 42 天
- ELISA测定利妥昔单抗的浓度FACS 进行B 细胞计数

B cell depleted immediately after IV dosing and maintained at low level until 21 days when started to recover
LC-MS/MS Quantification of Humanized mAb
Can be used in:
- Chimeric ab. BA
- Humanized ab. BA
- Human ab. BA

ELISA Quantification of Humanized mAb
- Fast – no extensive method development required
- Saving
- Easy – no antigen required
Antigen Method

Generic Method