ChemPartner’s antibody discovery team has over 200 scientists, 30 of which are PhDs or MDs. Our scientists are capable of discovering novel high-affinity monoclonal antibodies by hybridoma technology, B cell cloning technology and phage display technology. We can also develop humanized mouse/rat/rabbit monoclonal antibodies, fully human monoclonal antibodies, affinity matured monoclonal antibodies, single domain nanobody, bi/multi-specific antibodies, and antibody-drug conjugates.
Antibody Discovery
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1F & 3F, Block A
2829 JinKe Road
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park
PuDong New Area
Shanghai China, 201203
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China: +86 21 5132 0088
US: +1 650 419 9974
Europe: +45 4586 9000